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At Puddleducks we feel it is important to have a routine so the children know what to expect each day. Below we have set out information on a typical day at Puddleducks. 

A Typical Day

Happy Girl


Arrival time is at either 8.30am or 9am.
You and your child will be greeted by a member of staff at the door. Your child can either make their way into the setting independently, instantly greeted and helped by additional staff inside, or you yourself can bring your child into the setting to help them start their day.
Once inside your child will find their name badge and peg, hang up their coat and bag and then the fun begins.

Morning Session

Once all the children have arrived, the morning session begins with a large welcome group time. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to listen to others and also share their own ideas and thoughts in a group. The ‘book of the week’ and ‘learning intentions’ are delivered at this time in a fun group friendly way. 
After the group time your child will have the opportunity to choose where they would like to play and flow from the indoor space to our outdoor playground and then around to the fabulous woodland area. We pride ourselves on our outdoor space and our true free flow nature. Practitioners are available in every area of the Puddleducks environment to supply quality care and education. Our ethos is to follow the child’s interest and provide a mixture of child-initiated learning, adult supported and adult led teaching all delivered through the medium of play. All areas are set up with exciting, educational resources and activities that will stimulate learning.
Throughout the morning session a rolling snack is provided. Snack time is a great opportunity for rich social interactions and a wealth of learning and teaching moments.
Children help one another take turns, talk and discuss topics with the adult and each other, all while enjoying a nutritious healthy snack.
The morning session ends at 12pm. At this time your child may go home, arrive or stay for lunch.

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Eating Pasta


Lunch time begins at 12pm. This is another wonderful social activity with the children sat with their friends and practitioners, learning the etiquette of eating at a table with others.


Afternoon Session

After lunch the afternoon session begins. As in the morning, your child is given the freedom to choose to free flow indoors and outdoors with practitioners available to interact, teach and enhance your child’s learning at every turn.

Again, resources and activities are provided to stimulate your child’s learning through exciting and fun new experiences.

Watercolor Butterfly 16
Child Reading in the Grass

Home Time

Home time is between 2.45- 3pm. You will be greeted at the door and your child will be bought to you with their bags and coats. They will also bring home our reading scheme book
packs to use and share with you at your leisure.

Extra curricular


Throughout the term your child will take part in our extracurricular activities which consist of but not limited to Yoga, Cooking, looking after the chickens and Woodland Explorers.

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Drop off & Collection

This ensures the safety of all children both in Puddleducks Pre-School and the schools. 


It is really important that you close the gate behind you every time please. This ensures we know who is in the school grounds and that everyone is kept safe thank you for your cooperation.

Large Tree


If your child is unable to attend Puddleducks due to going on holiday or illness, we kindly ask that you inform us as soon as possible. 


This allows us to monitor attendance and importantly keep records of illness to ensure we keep on top of any outbreaks that may occur.

If we do not hear from you by 9.30am we will make contact to check your child's wellbeing.

Mobile Phone

Nut Allergies

We are a NUT FREE setting so please make sure that you don't put any nuts or nut products into your child's lunchbox. This includes Nutella, Peanut Butter and Chocolate containing nuts. 

Please be aware that we have several children with severe allergies at Puddleducks.  

Glass of Milk


Milk will be provided at snack times so we please ask that NO MILK is put into your child's daily water bottles.

Please feel free to speak to your child's key person should you have any questions.


Please, please, please ensure that everything is labelled. 


This should include your child's drink bottle, lunch box, bag, coat, changes of clothes and shoes.


Whilst we try to get to know what belongs to each child it is proving tricky at times where items are not labelled.

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We ask that you bring in a piece of fruit or vegetable every day that your child attends Puddleducks.


This is added to the other children's fruit/vegetables and it will then be shared amongst the children at snack time. There is a bowl available every day to pop the fruit/vegetable in. 

Bowl of Fruits

Saxon Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8JZ (England)

01722 416 293


Ofsted - 2638131


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Our website may use cookies to improve your experience on our website, if you do not consent to us using your cookies, we kindly ask that you please leave our website now. 

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© 2023 by Puddleducks Early Years Ltd

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