Opening Times, Fees & Funding
Opening Times
(Term Time Only)
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 9:00am (Early Starters)
9:00am - Noon (Morning Session)
Noon - 3:00pm (Afternoon Session)

We have an extra-curricular charge of £4.00 per day from April 2024 which covers things such as, our tooth brushing scheme, weekly yoga sessions, weekly cooking sessions, sun cream etc.
Extra-curricular activities are rota'd in so they happen on a different day each week so all the children get the opportunity to do all of the activities. This is part of our daily/weekly schedule/routine so all children have the opportunity to take part.
Extra Curricular
Our fees are set at £6.90 per hour from April 2024 and this is reviewed annually in line with our fees policy.
Invoicing Dates
Invoices are sent out termly (6 times a year).
Payments are made in advance (a term ahead). From the date of the invoice you have 2-weeks to pay.
Term 1: Week Commencing 2nd September 2024
Term 2: Week Commencing 4th November 2024
Term 3: Week Commencing 6th January 2025
Term 4: Week Commencing 24th February 2025
Term 5: Week Commencing 21st April 2025
Term 6: Week Commencing 2nd June 2025
Working Parent Funding
Working parents with children aged 9months to 4 years may be eligible to receive funding for their child, (eligibility is mainly based on working hours and income.)
Funding comes into effect the term after your child turns 9 months old.
Funding terms are as follows:
1st January - 31st March,
1st April - 31st August,
1st September - 31st December
Funding is currently set at 15 hours per week, per child up to the term after your child turns 3 years old, when it increases to 30 hours week.
From September 2025 this will increase to 30 hours funding for all eligible children, from the term after they turn 9 months old.
Parents must apply for the funding online and provide the Nursery with their funding code.
Once you have your funding code you will be required to reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months online.
For more information, to check your eligibility and to apply please click the link below.
3 & 4 Year Old
All three and four year olds are entitled to 15 hours’ funding through the government’s Nursery Education Grant.
Funding becomes available at the start of the term following your child’s third birthday.
The setting takes care of the administration for the grant (you do not need to apply for it) and a form will be produced for you to sign 3 times a year.
If you have any questions regarding the fees or how the funding works, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

2 Year Olds
Better 2gether Funding
Some two year olds are entitled to funding through the Nursery Education Grant, which Wiltshire Council have named “Better 2gether Funding”. This funding is not universal and has a selection criteria.
Families will often receive a letter from Wiltshire Council informing them of their eligibility.
Parents need to apply for this funding (in a different way than the working parent funding process.)
To see if you are eligible and to apply for the funding, please click the link below.​​
Tax Free Childcare
You can get up to £500 every 3 months (£2000 a year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare.
If you get Tax-Free Childcare, the Government will pay £2.00 for every £8.00 you pay your childcare provider. This is paid via an online childcare account that you set up for your child.
You can get Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as the 15 or 30 hours free childcare if you are eligible for both.
You will be unable to get Tax-Free Childcare at the same time as claiming Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers.
Parents need to apply for tax free childcare.
To see if you are eligible and to apply, please click the link below.